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Okay, so....

I haven't cried yet. Am I supposed to? Will it make me feel better? What's the standard protocol here? I know the things to say to family members and patients when they have cancer, but what's the etiquette for the patient herself?

I don't want this to be the All Cancer, All The Time blog, but damn it, I'm out of my element here.

If someone has a clue, I have a whole bunch of quarters.


Mari Lehmer said…
You have permission to do WHATEVER you want as long as you don't hurt anybody...cry, sulk, scream, eat a whole bucket of ice cream, whatever gets you though.

Keep the quarters, all my advise is no charge ;)
Lacey said…
It took me a long time to cry about my leukemia diagnosis. Sitting the doc's office getting the news, she was shocked at how well I was taking it only, she didn't know how much anger was building up inside of me. I eventually cried and still do sometimes. Not sure if I am giving the proper response, even now almost 3 years later, but what is the proper response anyway. I'm praying for you!

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