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Showing posts from December, 2007

Christmas Is Coming, The Goose is Getting Fat

Jim and I are sitting in our respective cubes in our joint office listening to Christmas music. It's Christmas Eve Eve and tonight I had the privilege of singing with the worship band at church, and now my husband is treating me to the sounds of childhood. Since a first-grader I have spent the bulk of the Yuletide season preparing for a performance of some kind or another. As a child it was the all-school Christmas Program, for which much preparation took place. It seemed that for weeks and WEEEKKKSS classes were suspended for the joy of sitting in church in intense boredom until it was time for whatever group I was in to do its thing and then back to boredom in the pews. But, I remember, even as a young kid, being rocked by the emotion of the performance: being in front of a packed church, spotlights on, and hoping/praying that I would/could remember all of the lines or lyrics of whatever we were doing at the time. And loving every minute of it. Then, the high school years. Unles