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Because I love a good silly joke.....

Q: What did the cow say to Baby Jesus upon arriving at the manger?

Wait for it........


I can't help myself - inside my head lurks the brain of a 12-year-old boy. :D

Got any good silly jokes to share? Leave 'em in comments!


gayle said…
silly giggling - thanks
Meghann said…
A man walks into a bar. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .so the other man ducked.
Mari Lehmer said…
so a guy dressed as Santa Clause with a parrot on his shoulder walks into a bar and the bartender says, "where did you get that?" and the parrot says, "oh, they're all over town these days"
JazzyMama said…
My son liked this one from a kindergarten unit study - What did the mommy volcano say to the baby volcano?
I lava you :o)

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