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T-1. Tick.....tick.....tick.....

So, tomorrow's the big day. I spent today taking my second round of antibiotics, on a clear liquid diet and doing my colon prep. It's pretty safe to say I don't feel like going dancing right now and my lower alimentary canal has just asked for a divorce. However, if you happen to have a wonderfully greasy cheeseburger for me, you'll have a friend for life.

I realize not much of this makes sense and really this is just putting off going to bed. I'm a little anxious and scared, at the same time really wanting this whole thing over. So much feels uncertain right now - health, career, education - and after tomorrow a new normal will happen that there's no preview for. I am certain of the important things, thankfully. Between my husband, my family and so many fiends, no one has let me forget that I am loved and that alone will help me sleep tonight and get through the surgery and recovery. How blessed I am.

And with that I shall say goodnight.


Erin said…
Just wanted to say I'm thinking about you, Leslie. God with you.
Lacey said…
Hang in there and try to let the worry go. You are in great hands and have a fabulous support system. Praying for you!

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