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Manic Monday Freewriting

It's Freewriting Monday here at The Penguin Papers. In other words, I have nothing in particular to write about today, but still want to write. Which means that this may not be readable at all. Or may be very readable, but not worth caring about. Or worth caring about but...

Okay, I think you get the idea. I have several ideas swirling around in my head, but nothing stands out as The Topic for the day, so you may get all of them or none of them, just whatever flows out from my addled Monday brain through my fingertips.

One of the things rumbling around in the old brainbox is what I wish for in the coming year. Health and happiness, of course, for everyone in the household, good grades from the kids and maybe the possibility of seeing how far I can take the blog this year. It's just a baby blog, somewhat neglected over the last year, but it's something that's mine. All mine. And I can do with it whatever I want, within reason. The direction doesn't need to be spelled out and fixed, it just needs to be what it is - a place where this writer can write. Hopefully other people will read it, but my happiness as a blogger won't completely depend on how big my readership is. Well, that's my hope, anyway.

Or maybe just money and fame. ;)


Mari Lehmer said…
One's blog is todays equvilant of Virginia Wolf's A Room of One's Own ;)

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