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Pink, schmink

So, it's just over a year late and I finally decided to change the color of this silly thing to blue instead of pink. I didn't end up participating in the 3-day last year for various reasons, mostly because I chose to go back to work because now the goal is to get our debt paid down so that I can.....
(drum roll, please......)

Go back to school. Yep, I've decided to launch myself into academia once again and finally (FINALLY!) finish where I left off in pursuing my RN after I had to quit when pregnant with Jon and Gloria.

Other than that, life is continuing to roll along. We're heading right into birthday season with the twins on March 18 then Morgann on the 27th. Big one for Morgie this year - 21! She's had sort of a bum year with lack of employment and now a lack of vehicle but hopefully her 22nd year will hold better things for her. I can't say I think all of her choices so far in adulthood have been good ones, but I'm proud of her for hanging in there and learning the lessons.

Work has been plenty stressful lately. It's been a real rollercoaster, complete with an attempt at changing nursing hours by our administrator that had everyone threatening to quit over it, including myself. We're losing staff over it, anyway, so we're going to head into another couple of months of uncertainty, until our staffing comes back up to par. And all because of one person, who doesn't seem to give a damn. Sigh.

The annual Strightly Female trip is scheduled once again for Gatlinburg in April. After a lot of discussion it was decided that it would be easier to have it in the same place in the same month every year, to save us all a lot of planning grief. Works for me. :) We've got basically the same group going this year as last and it looks at this point that it's possible that Deb might be able to come, which will be fun. We'll see if her hairshow cancels or not.

Geez, it's after 3pm - think I oughta get out of my jammies and get dressed? ;)


Meghann said…
can you please email me about Morgann? I haven't heard or seen her or anything since September. So anything you know would be nice to know.

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